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Download Mracajski Proto by Petar Kocic in PDF Format and Discover a Classic of Serbian Literature

Mracajski Proto by Petar Kocic: A Classic of Serbian Literature

If you are looking for a captivating and insightful story that reflects the history and culture of Serbia, you might want to check out Mracajski Proto by Petar Kocic. This short story, written in 1903, is considered one of the masterpieces of Serbian literature, as it portrays the life and struggles of a Serbian priest under Ottoman rule. In this article, we will introduce you to the author, the story and its historical context, as well as show you how to access the story online in PDF format.

mracajski proto petar kocic pdf download

The Author: Petar Kocic

Petar Kocic was a Serbian writer, politician and activist who lived from 1877 to 1916. He was born in Stricici, a village in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire. He studied law and literature in Belgrade and Zagreb, where he became involved in various nationalist and socialist movements. He was one of the founders of the Serb Independent Party, which advocated for the autonomy of Bosnia and Herzegovina from Austria-Hungary, which annexed the region in 1908. He was also one of the leaders of the Young Bosnia movement, which inspired the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914, triggering World War I. Kocic was arrested several times for his political activities and spent his last years in a mental asylum in Belgrade, where he died at the age of 38.

Kocic was also a prolific writer who published several collections of short stories, poems and essays. His main themes were the oppression and resistance of the Serbian people under Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian rule, as well as the social and psychological problems of his time. He used humor, satire and irony to expose the absurdity and injustice of his situation, as well as to celebrate the courage and dignity of his characters. His style was influenced by oral tradition, folk tales and dialects, as well as by modern literary trends such as realism and naturalism.

Kocic is widely regarded as one of the most important Serbian writers of his era, as well as one of the founders of modern Serbian literature. His works have been translated into many languages and have inspired generations of readers and writers. He has been honored with various awards, monuments and institutions named after him.

The Story: Mracajski Proto

Mracajski Proto is one of Kocic's most famous and acclaimed stories. It was first published in 1903 in a Zagreb newspaper called Novi Srbobran (New Serb Defender), and later included in his second collection of stories called S planine i ispod planine (From the Mountain and Underneath the Mountain), published in 1904. The story is based on a real person that Kocic knew from his childhood, a priest named Jovan Jovanovic who served in a village called Slavicki.

The story follows a young man named Stevica, who is the son of a priest named Jova. Stevica decides to visit his uncle Mracajski Proto (Dark Forest Priest), who lives alone in a remote mountain village. Mracajski Proto is a notorious figure who is feared and hated by everyone, including his own family. He is a violent, bitter and eccentric man who has suffered a lot under Ottoman oppression. He has lost his wife, his son and his faith, and he despises everyone around him. He especially hates Stevica's grandfather Dzibukarda (Gibberish Maker), who he blames for betraying him to the Turks.

Stevica arrives at Mracajski Proto's house and tries to be friendly and respectful, but he soon realizes that his uncle is not interested in any conversation or hospitality. Mracajski Proto treats him with contempt and hostility, insulting him and his family, telling him horrible stories about his past experiences with the Turks, and threatening him with violence. Stevica is terrified and confused by his uncle's behavior, but he also feels sorry for him and tries to understand him. He realizes that Mracajski Proto is a lonely and broken man who has lost everything he cared about.

The story ends with a dramatic scene where Mracajski Proto reveals that he has hidden a large amount of gold coins under his bed, which he has collected from various sources over the years. He tells Stevica that he can have them if he kills him with a rifle that he has prepared for this purpose. He says that he wants to die because he has nothing left to live for, and that he wants Stevica to inherit his wealth because he is his only living relative. Stevica is shocked and horrified by this offer, but he also feels tempted by it. He hesitates for a moment, but then decides to reject it. He tells Mracajski Proto that he does not want his money or his death, but only his love and forgiveness. He embraces him and cries with him.

The story is a powerful portrayal of human suffering caused by war, oppression and injustice. It also shows how love can overcome hatred and despair. It explores themes such as identity, loyalty, betrayal, revenge, forgiveness, greed, madness and death.

The PDF Download: How to Access the Story Online

If you want to read Mracajski Proto by Petar Kocic online in PDF format, you have several options available. Here are some sources that offer this service:

  • Gimnazija DG: This is a website that belongs to a high school in Bosnia and Herzegovina that offers various educational resources for students. You can download Mracajski Proto by Petar Kocic in PDF format from this link.

  • Scribd: This is a popular online platform that allows users to upload and share various types of documents such as books, articles, reports etc. You can access Mracajski Proto by Petar Kocic in PDF format from this link.

  • Scribd: This is another link from Scribd that offers Mracajski Proto by Petar Kocic in PDF format.

Some benefits of reading Mracajski Proto by Petar Kocic in PDF format are:

  • You can read it on any device that supports PDF files such as computers, tablets or smartphones.

  • You can adjust the font size, color or layout according to your preferences.

  • You can bookmark pages or highlight passages that you find interesting or important.

  • You can print it out if you want to have a hard copy.

Some alternatives to reading Mracajski Proto by Petar Kocic in PDF format are:

```html, where you can also find summaries and analyses of the story.

  • You can listen to it online on websites that offer audio versions of Serbian literature such as YouTube, where you can find a recording of the story read by a professional narrator.

  • You can buy it online on websites that sell Serbian books such as, where you can order a printed copy of the story or a digital one that you can read on your Kindle or other devices.


In conclusion, Mracajski Proto by Petar Kocic is a classic of Serbian literature that you should not miss. It is a short but powerful story that depicts the life and struggles of a Serbian priest under Ottoman rule, as well as the history and culture of Serbia. It is written in a vivid and realistic style that captures the emotions and atmosphere of the story. You can access the story online in PDF format from various sources that we have listed in this article, or you can choose other alternatives that suit your preferences. We hope that you will enjoy reading this story and appreciate its literary and historical value.

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  • Q: Who is the author of Mracajski Proto?

  • A: The author of Mracajski Proto is Petar Kocic, a Serbian writer, politician and activist who lived from 1877 to 1916.

  • Q: What is the main theme of Mracajski Proto?

  • A: The main theme of Mracajski Proto is the oppression and resistance of the Serbian people under Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian rule, as well as the social and psychological problems of his time.

  • Q: When was Mracajski Proto written and published?

  • A: Mracajski Proto was written in 1903 and published in 1904.

  • Q: How long is Mracajski Proto?

  • A: Mracajski Proto is about 20 pages long.

  • Q: How can I read Mracajski Proto online in PDF format?

  • A: You can read Mracajski Proto online in PDF format from various sources that we have listed in this article, such as Gimnazija DG, Scribd or


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