[REPACK] Download Grids Zip
The global raster data grids are provided in the ESRI ArcGrid format. The grid defines geographic space as an array of equally sized square grid cells (pixels) arranged in rows and columns. Each grid cell stores a numeric value that represents a geographic attribute (such as elevation or surface slope) for that unit of space. Many commercially available and freeware software packages can read the ArcGrid format.
Download grids zip
The GEOID18 grid files in the little endian and ASCII grid formats that were posted on this page prior to November 26, 2019, contained errors in a small percentage of the grid cells (1 in 500). NGS has since corrected the errors and replaced these files. We encourage users that have previously downloaded any of the little endian or ASCII grid formats below to immediately replace them with the updated grids.
NGS has created a list of check points for each of the GEOID18 subgrids, so users can tell if the grids they are using are affected by this error. In addition, several files (kml, shapefile, xlsx 11MB) are available to plot all of the bad grid cells and illustrate the areas affected by the errors (1 arcmin buffers).
The National Geodetic Survey has provided two computer programs for users working with GEOID18. Compiled executables for both Windows (intg.exe and xntg.exe) and Linux (intg_v34.exe and xntg) platforms. The source code is located in a compressed zip file. INTG interpolates geoid heights from data files using user-provided coordinates. XNTG extracts sub-grids from the binary data files, converts back and forth between binary and ASCII data formats, and provides statistics regarding a data file.
To determine geoid heights with the GEOID18 model, download an INTG executable file, as well as at least one data file. You need to select only those data files that cover your region of interest; the program will recognize the available corresponding files . Select one or more of the data files using either the graphical or data interfaces.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) publishes precipitation frequency estimates in GIS compatible formats for the United States and some surrounding territories. GIS grid data can be downloaded from their website's Precipitation Frequency Data Server. Data is available to download as zipped ASCII files. You'll need to choose the appropriate grid based on the location of your watershed. You will also need to select the recurrence interval or frequency and the appropriate duration for your watershed. For this exercise, we are modeling Cottonwood Creek, a tributary of the Salt River located Northeast of Phoenix, AZ. We will be looking at the 100-year recurrence interval with a six-hour duration. The partial-duration series precipitation-frequency grids were downloaded for this example (you would choose the annual maximum series precipitation-frequency data when comparing HEC-HMS model results to a flow-frequency curve computed using Bulletin 17C procedures). This step has been completed for you and the 6-hour 100-YR precipitation frequency grid is provided in the downloaded materials.
The Frequency Depth Calculator is a feature introduced in HEC-HMS version 4.10. It requires a model with georeferenced subbasins and imported precipitation frequency grids. You can find a more detailed walk-through of importing frequency precipitation grids in the Applying New Frequency Storm Enhancements tutorial. The 100-YR precipitation grids have already been imported into the model provided in the downloaded materials.
We also made available US-wide high resolution grids. The zip archive has 1.2GB. After unzipping population and race-specific grids have a size of 67.3 GB and racial diversity grid has a size of 16GB.
Richness Grids represent an aggregation of the Presence Grids at the family level. For the Family Richness Grids each 30 arc-second grid cell represents a count of the number of species in that particular family. Data can be downloaded below in two ways, by all mammal species and by specific mammal families.
Brook's quotation captures nicely the value of prototyping as part of the design process. We're great advocates of prototyping and develop paper prototypes and electronic mock-ups for our clients to test out early designs with their customers. Recently, we've been impressed with Axure and the Firefox Pencil sketching tool as ways of quickly putting together interactive electronic prototypes, but we found ourselves spending a lot of time at the beginning of projects developing layout grids to place items on the page.
The file contains grids for 12 and 16-column layouts and were created by Fr'd'ric Vandaele. If you use Pencil and would like a copy, download the file (zipped file, 4 Kb). (The file will only open in Pencil).
The GEBCO_2022 Grid and TID Grid can be download as global files in netCDF format or a set of 8 tiles (each with an area of 90 x 90), giving global coverage, in Esri ASCII raster and data GeoTiff formats. The data filea are included in a zip file along with the data set documentation.
Although every care is taken during the development of the GEBCO bathymetric grids, errors can occasionally occur, and can be reported to the Seabed 2030 Global Centre (document.write('\u0067\u0064\u0061\u0063\u0063\u0040\u0073\u0065\u0061\u0062\u0065\u0064\u0032\u0030\u0033\u0030\u002e\u006f\u0072\u0067')). Known issues can be viewed on our errata pages.
GEBCO's global elevation models are generated by the assimilation of heterogeneous data types assuming all of them to be referred to mean sea level. However, in some shallow water areas, the grids include data from sources having a vertical datum other than mean sea level. We are working to understand how best to fully assimilate these data.
Please note that the temperature data are in C * 10. This means that a value of 231 represents 23.1 C. This does lead to some confusion, but it allows for much reduced file sizes which is important as for many downloading large files remains difficult. The unit used for the precipitation data is mm (millimeter).
The ZIP files have names like X_R_F.ZIP, where X indicates the variable (TMEAN, TMIN, TMAX, PREC, BIO, or ALT); R indicates the resolution (10m, 5m, 2_5m, 30s); F indicates to format: 'BIL' for generic grids, and 'ESRI' for ESRI grids. For example, the file TMIN_5m_BIL.ZIP has the minimum temperature data, at 5 minute resolution, in generic grid format.
ext = filename extension (for the Generic grids only), either BIL (with the binary data), or HDR (text files that describe the data, for import to GIS applications). In case of ESRI grids, these filenames are in fact folder names, and also include one "info" folder.
For use with ESRI products (ArcSomething). The ZIP files should be uncompressed into a new folder. Each grid is stored in a subfolder. There is also an INFO folder that should remain with these grids (for more information see your ESRI manuals).
Confirm that you have downloaded and staged the required files for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database Release 21c (21.3), as well as the patch files. You must be able to see the Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) software staged under the path /stage/software inside the Oracle RAC Node 1 container.
Selenium V3/V2 grid download file example code is shown below. See Selenium 4 example. Validate downloaded files to the grid node by using "chrome://downloads" to either just check that they did download or do further validation locally by downloading the file to your local machine.The main advantage of using "chrome://downloads" is that it only displays the files downloaded in the session and ignores previously downloaded files to the grid node. Make sure you check for downloaded files in the same selenium session, maybe in another tab or window, as the next test is routed to next available grid node and will not necessary run on the grid node you downloaded the files to.NOTE: if you do download a file to local, typically keep the file size below 50 mb as base64 encoding do enlarge the file on the node when read and are subject to resource limitations. Do let us know if you have a test scenario requiring downloading files larger than 50mb. Also see our selenium grid files upload example.
zELDA, installation is divided in two blocks. First you will need to install the python package containing all the scritps. With this you can already use the Deep Neural Network methodologies to extract information from observed Lyman-alpha line profiles. The second block contains all the grids computed from LyaRT. These are necessary in order to compute line profiles and escape fractions for all the outflow geometries. As a consequence, the second block is mandatory to make MCMC analysis.
Other way of getting the data is going to the zenodo webpage and download it through your internet borwser. As this is a large file, if you brower is a little bit unstable the download might stop in halfway, causing you to restart the download again.
The full zELDA (grids+code) is about 13GB of storage. There could be the case in which you might want to test the code but not install it completely. If this is the case, you can download a lighter version of the grid for the Thin Shell geoemtry used to fit observed data. Remember that once you have installed the scripts by pip (above), you can already make the neural network analysis of the line profiles, there is no need of the line profiles grids. However, if you want to plot the line profile given by the predicted outflow propeties you will need the grid of line profiles. 041b061a72