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ISBNs are 10 or 13 digit numbers that identify a specific edition of a specific textbook. Go to your university website or class syllabus and find the ISBN numbers of your required books! We'll make it easy to compare prices online! Simply search for these numbers in the box above and SlugBooks will do the rest!Pro-tip: you can search for multiple ISBNs at the same time by entering a comma separated list of ISBNs into the bar above! (for example: "9781449410247, 9781449427702, 9781449401160")
ISBNs are 10 or 13 digit numbers that identify a specific edition of a specific textbook. Go to your university website or class syllabus and find the ISBN numbers of your required books! We'll make it easy to compare prices online! Simply search for these numbers in the box above and SlugBooks will do the rest!Pro-tip: you can search for multiple ISBNs at the same time by entering a comma separated list of ISBNs into the bar above! (for example: "978111111111, 97811111111111, 9781111111111")
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We've all experienced the tiresome, repeated searching when trying to book the cheapest possible flights to any given destination. With endless search engines and continually fluctuating prices, the approach to frugal flight booking is overwhelming. Here's some key tips that will save you time, frustration and most importantly money when booking your next flight.
Finally, no single search engine is consistently perfect (though we typically find the cheapest price on Skyscanner or Momondo). As such, you may need to try a combination of search engines to ensure you're not missing any results. There doesn't seem to be one that gets the cheapest flight 100% of the time.
While many theories exist around booking specifically on a Tuesday to save money, the reality is there is no consistent truth to exactly which days are cheapest to fly. Most of the time it is cheaper to leave on a weekday, though this isn't always the case. Your best strategy is to get a quick visual of prices for a whole month to see what days are cheapest for your specific route. Here's how:
Repeat these steps for your return flight if applicable. You can still book a round trip in one booking, but doing these steps first will let you see which dates are generally cheaper to fly in/out on for your round trip. and Google Flights work similarly to Skyscanner, plus they have map views as well, so you can see where the airport is. For tracking when and where is cheapest to fly, Hopper also offer price analysis and track fluctuations (i.e. when is best to fly).
Below is a comprehensive list of budget airlines around the globe. Red indicates true budget airlines while blue implies the cheapest companies available where budget airlines don't exist or aren't plentiful.
If you're flying somewhere that involves a transfer, say from Canada to Australia which typically involves Canada to LA, then LA to Australia, consider that it may be cheaper to book these two legs separately on your own by adding another destination to your trip. It should go without saying that in doing this, you should not book tight layovers. I repeat: do not book layovers that are hours apart! This approach is for those who want to create an additional destination of a few days or more, before catching their next flight. The one exception is when booking with, who offer their own guarantee on making connecting flights even when not with the same partner airlines.